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Say “si” to Spanish

Lessons for all ages and levels


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Mission & Values

Habla Spanish UK is a language school based in London which provides quality online & face to face lessons in a friendly and interactive setting. We cater to all age groups and skill levels from beginners to advanced.

Mission & Values

Our Spanish Language School offers a flexible program, innovative techniques and fresh methodologies. At the core of our mission, lies our commitment to providing an engaging, respectful and rewarding learning environment.

This unique approach, together with our top-quality teachers, makes Habla Spanish UK one of the best Spanish Language schools in London. Explore our engaging and diverse course schedule and contact our team to schedule a free trial class.



MJ, originally from Pinos del Valle (a small village in the province of Granada, Spain), is qualified with a teaching degree from the University of Granada. MJ has been teaching, Spanish and English, in Spain and UK, since 2014. She is a talented teacher and she has lots of experiences with babies, children, teenagers and adults.

MJ is a passionate teacher who demonstrates a strong enthusiasm, dedication and love while teaching Spanish. She goes beyond simply imparting knowdledge and actively seeks to inspire and engage students in their learning process.

Her entushiasm, commitment, creativity, connection with students, dedication to student growth and positive classroom atmosphere has a profound impact on her students inspiring them to develop a love for learning, nurturing their curiosity and helping them achieve their full potential.


Our Services


Private Tuition

These lessons can be beneficial for people who want to learn Spanish for improving their language skills for academic purposes, travel, work or personal enrichment. The tutor focuses on teaching the fundamentals of Spanish, including vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

Private Spanish tuition can take place face to face or online to suit individual needs.

Whether you are a beginner or already have some knowledge of Spanish, private tuition can be an effective way to learn and improve your language skills in a focused and personalised manner.


Online Lessons

These lessons provide a flexible and convenient way to learn Spanish from the comfort of your own home or any location with an internet connection.

Online Spanish lessons offer several advantages:

Accessibility: You can access online lessons from anywhere in the world, as long as you have an internet connection.

Flexibility: Online lessons often offer flexible scheduling options. This flexibility allows you to learn at your own pace and set a pace that suits your learning style.

Personalised Instruction: Online Spanish lessons can be tailored to your specific needs and proficiency level.

Interactive Learning: Despite being conducted online, Spanish lessons can still be highly interactive. Video conferencing platforms often include features such as screen sharing, virtual whiteboards, chat functions, and file sharing, enabling real-time interaction between the tutor and the student.

Variety of Resources: Habla Spanish UK lessons often provide access to a wide range of resources, such as online textbooks, audio recordings and interactive exercises. These resources enhance the learning experience and provide additional practice opportunities.

Social Interaction


Personalised Instruction

Group Lessons

These lessons can be conducted in-person or online, and they provide an opportunity for students to learn and practise Spanish in a collaborative environment.

Group Spanish lessons offer several benefits:

 Social Interaction: Learning Spanish in a group allows students to interact with each other, practise conversational skills and engage in group activities. It creates a supportive and dynamic learning environment where students can learn from each other and build their confidence in speaking Spanish.
 Peer Learning: In a group setting, students can learn from their peers’ questions, experiences and perspectives. Collaborative learning encourages active participation, fosters discussions and promotes a deeper understanding of the language.
 Cost-Effective: Group lessons offer a more affordable option compared to private tuition. By sharing the cost with other students, you can receive instruction from a qualified Spanish teacher at a lower price point.
 Cultural Exposure: In a group Spanish class, students from different backgrounds or with different native languages can come together, creating a multicultural learning experience. This exposure to diverse perspectives can deepen your understanding of the Spanish-speaking world and its cultures.
 Practise Opportunities: Group lessons provide ample opportunities for practise and application of Spanish language skills. Students can engage in pair exercises, group exercises, role-playing and other interactive activities that simulate real-life language use.

It’s worth noting that while group lessons offer many advantages, they may not provide the same level of individualised attention as private tuition. However, the collaborative learning environment and social interaction can enhance the learning experience and make it an enjoyable journey to improve your Spanish language skills.

Social Interaction

Peer Learning


Cultural Exposure

Practice Opportunities


After School Clubs

These lessons provide students with an opportunity to learn and practise the Spanish language outside of regular school hours.

Spanish after-school clubs offer several benefits:

Language Immersion: By participating in a Spanish after-school club, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the language outside of the classroom. They can engage in conversations, activities, and games conducted primarily in Spanish, which helps reinforce their language skills and improve their fluency.

Cultural Exposure: Along with language learning, Spanish after-school clubs often incorporate cultural elements from Spanish-speaking countries. Students can explore traditions, music, art and cuisine, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Hispanic culture.
Interactive and Fun Learning: After-school clubs aim to make language learning enjoyable and engaging. They often include interactive activities, games, role-playing and group projects that make learning Spanish a fun and interactive experience.
Social Interaction: These clubs provide an opportunity for students with similar interests to come together and form a community of Spanish language learners. They can practise their conversational skills, collaborate on projects and build friendships with peers who share a passion for Spanish.

Participating in a Spanish after-school club can complement students’ formal language education, providing them with an enriching and supportive environment to further develop their Spanish language skills while enjoying cultural exploration and social interaction.

Language Immersion

Cultural Exposure

Interactive and Fun Learning

Social Interaction

Children’s Lessons

These lessons are tailored to meet the needs and learning styles of young learners, typically ranging from preschool age to early adolescence.

Spanish children’s lessons offer several advantages:

Engaging and Interactive: Lessons for children are designed to be fun, interactive and engaging. They often incorporate songs, games, stories and other age-appropriate activities to make the learning experience enjoyable and memorable for children.
Immersion and Pronunciation: Children’s lessons focus on building a strong foundation in pronunciation and listening skills. They expose children to the sounds and rhythms of the Spanish language early on, helping them develop an authentic accent and an intuitive understanding of the language.
Vocabulary Development: Children’s lessons aim to expand children’s vocabulary by introducing them to common words and phrases through interactive and visual methods. Lessons often revolve around everyday themes.
Communication Skills: Children are encouraged to practise their speaking and listening skills in a supportive environment. The lessons focus on building conversational skills, confidence and teaching basic sentence structures that allow children to express themselves in Spanish.
Cultural Awareness: Children’s Spanish lessons often incorporate aspects of Spanish-speaking cultures. Children are introduced to the traditions, customs and celebrations of Spanish-speaking countries, fostering an appreciation for cultural diversity.

Spanish lessons for children provide an excellent opportunity for children to acquire language skills, develop cultural awareness, and lay a strong foundation for future language learning.

Engaging and Interactive

Immersion and Pronunciation

Vocabulary Development

Communication Skills

Cultural Awareness


Adult Lessons

These lessons are designed for adults who wish to learn or improve their proficiency in the Spanish language. These lessons are tailored to meet the needs and goals of adult learners, considering their prior knowledge, learning styles and specific language objectives.

Spanish adult lessons offer several advantages:

Flexibility and Customisation: Adult lessons are typically designed to be flexible, allowing learners to choose the pace, intensity, and focus of their language learning. Lessons can be adapted to accommodate various schedules and can target specific areas of interest, such as business Spanish, travel vocabulary or conversational skills.
Practical Language Skills: Adult lessons often prioritise the development of practical language skills that are relevant to real-life situations. This may include focusing on conversational fluency, reading comprehension, writing proficiency and listening skills required for everyday communication, professional settings or specific purposes.
Grammar and Structure: Adult lessons may include a thorough exploration of grammar and sentence structure, addressing specific challenges that adult learners may face. This emphasis on grammar allows learners to understand the language more deeply and construct accurate and meaningful sentences.
Cultural Understanding: Adult lessons often incorporate cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world, providing learners with insights into the customs, traditions and social norms of Spanish-speaking countries. This cultural understanding enhances communication skills and fosters a deeper appreciation of the language.
Communication and Confidence: Adult lessons focus on building learners’ confidence in using Spanish through interactive activities, discussions and role-plays. Opportunities for conversation practise, pronunciation guidance, and constructive feedback help learners become more comfortable and effective communicators in Spanish.

Spanish adult lessons provide an excellent opportunity for adults to develop language skills, expand cultural knowledge and enhance communication abilities in Spanish. With dedication and practise, adult learners can achieve their language goals and engage confidently with Spanish-speaking communities.

Flexibility and Customisation

Practical Language Skills

Grammar and Structure

Cultural Understanding

Communication and Confidence


These sessions are specifically designed to prepare students for the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) Spanish examination.

GCSE Spanish lessons offer several benefits:

Exam-focused Preparation: Lessons are tailored to cover the specific topics, vocabulary, grammar and skills required for success in the GCSE Spanish examination. The curriculum is aligned with the exam board syllabus ensuring that students are well-prepared and confident in their knowledge.
Skill Development: Lessons focus on developing all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students practise their comprehension skills, work on their pronunciation and conversational fluency, engage with written texts and improve their writing skills in Spanish.
Exam Techniques and Strategies: GCSE Spanish lessons include guidance on exam techniques and strategies, such as time management, understanding question formats and effective study methods. Students learn how to approach different types of exam tasks and maximise their performance in the examination.
Vocabulary and Grammar Revision: Lessons help students review and expand their vocabulary and strengthen their understanding of Spanish grammar. Teachers provide explanations, examples and exercises to reinforce key language concepts and structures.
Mock Exams and Feedback: GCSE Spanish lessons include practise exams and mock assessments that simulate the actual GCSE examination. Students receive feedback on their performance, identifying areas of improvement and developing exam skills under timed conditions.

GCSE Spanish lessons play a crucial role in helping students develop the necessary language skills and exam techniques to achieve success in their GCSE examination. With dedicated preparation and guidance, students can improve their Spanish proficiency and perform well in the exam.

Exam-focused Preparation

Skill Development

Exam Techniques and Strategies

Vocabulary and Grammer Revision

Mock Exams and Feedback



Spanish A-levels (Advanced level Qualifications) lessons are sessions specifically designed to prepare students for the A-level Spanish examination.

Spanish A-levels lessons offer several benefits:

 In-depth Language Proficiency: Lessons focus on developing advanced language skills in Spanish, including comprehension, speaking, reading and writing. Students work on refining their vocabulary, grammar and idiomatic expressions, enabling them to express themselves fluently and accurately in various contexts.
 Cultural Understanding: A-level Spanish lessons often explore cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world, such as literature, history, art and current affairs. This broader understanding of the culture enhances students’ comprehension and ability to engage critically with Spanish texts.
 Exam-focused Preparation: Lessons are tailored to cover the specific topics, themes and skills required for success in the A-level Spanish examination. The curriculum is aligned with the exam board specifications, ensuring that students are well-prepared and confident in their knowledge.
 Analysis and Interpretation: A-level Spanish lessons emphasise critical thinking and analysis. Students learn to analyse and interpret Spanish texts, including literature, articles and audiovisual resources. They develop the skills to critically evaluate arguments, express their opinions and engage in discussion and debate.
 Exam Techniques and Strategies: Lessons include guidance on exam techniques and strategies, such as time management, understanding question formats and effective study methods. Students learn how to approach different types of exam tasks, develop essay writing skills and present coherent and well-structured responses.

Spanish A-levels lessons play a crucial role in helping students develop advanced language skills, critical thinking abilities and exam techniques necessary for success in their A-level examination. With dedicated preparation and guidance, students can excel in their Spanish studies and achieve desire results in the exam.

In-depth Language Proficiency

Cultural Understanding

Exam-focused Preparation

Analysis and Interpretation

Exam Techniques and Strategies



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